TVCM Presents: What's Next Aileen?
![]() Sept 14, 2018 John Sullivan John is an award winning writer, director and producer. He is one of the most successful independent filmmakers of the decade with three of his films in the theatrical documentaries of all-time earning over $55mm at the box office. These include the hit films 2016 and America. He most recently produced Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer which is planned for release in 2018. He also worked with America’s favorite teacher, Ben Stein, producing the film Expelled. John just is in the middle of editing No Safe Space with Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager on free speech on college campuses and society. One of John’s distinct opportunities is to have worked with two Academy Award winning producers; Gerald Molen (Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Rain Man) and Gray Frederickson (Apocalypse Now, Godfather, Godfather II). IN THEATERS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2018
Group Tickets For group tickets and theatre buyouts, please email us at [email protected] Additional theaters coming soon. Sign up for email updates so you’re the first to know where the movie will be playing near you. |
Sept 14, 2018 Pre Release Screening and Q & A with John Sullivan, Line Producer for Gosnell America's Biggest Serial Killer"
A preview screening of Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer. The evening featured a preview of the movie along with Q&A with John Sullivan, Line Producer. The film follows the investigation, arrest and trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. For more information visit The movies features Dean Cain, Sarah Jane Morris, Nick Searcy, Janine Turner, Michael Beach, Cyrina Fiallo and Earl Billings as Kermit Gosnell. The film is rated PG-13 for mature subject matter. Opening in theaters Oct 12, 2018
Dear Aileen,
My wife and I saw Gosnell SUN OCT 14, 2018 at The Rialto theatre in Spanish Springs, The Villages FL. We also had the pleasure of meeting you there. I am a grown man, and this movie made me cry. I have been pro life since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 1996. If I wasn't pro life before seeing this film, I know I would be after seeing it. The film was powerful beyond words and not "in your face" at all. It is a story of true evil. We will enthusiastically recommend this film to everyone we know. It's that important. Thank you for doing what your doing. Sincerely, Richard and Janell D.... The Villages, FL _______________________________________ 10/15/18
I am writing to say what an emotionally incredible movie this is. As a medical professional, it makes me angry to see this happed in our country where medicine has made such great strides in advancing safe medical practices. The acting in the movie was excellent and they portrayed their roles as the original people in a compelling manner. I found myself so involved in believing the story because of the way is was directed and the excellent acting. We have and will continue to recommend this movie to all our friends and acquaintances. Bravo to the director for taking on this project. I would look forward to any future movies he makes. Regards, Barbara W... The Villages, FL |
Just wanted to say that the movie "Gosnell, The trial of" was very well done and very informative. I saw it on October 4th at the Rialto Theater, showing at 4 pm. It brought to light a huge, and I'm sure ongoing, problem in America today. Thanks for scheduling this movie. HJ M... ______________________________________ Attention: Aileen Milton
As per your request on 10/14/2018 at the 1:40pm showing of the movie, here are our thoughts. It was a tastefully produced documentary of a horribly distasteful yet vital issue that all sane, moral Americans need to understand. Thanks to all producers, actors, and sponsors involved. We had been born and raised in western Pennsylvania, but had never heard about this man or his terrible abuse against humanity. While difficult to watch this gruesome story unfold, we are encouraged by its message that evil can and will be punished. It was also heartening to see the main stream media and the political bureaucracy portrayed honestly and factually. Now, if only they too can be held accountable! As Catholics, we again thank you for exposing these sins and crimes to the public. Sadly, those that need to see it probably won’t bother to or won’t be swayed to disavow their blind belief in “pro choice” and women’s rights. Such liberal minded people will not admit that abortion is murder. That’s the bottom line… Pro Choice is Pro Murder. Respectfully, Dean and Cathy M.... St. Mark the Evangelist Church advertised this movie in our bulletin. |
America’s Biggest Serial Killer We Never Knew About… Until Now.
America's Biggest Serial Killer We Never Knew About... Until NowThere’s a controversial new film in the the theaters called: “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.” Dr. Kermit Gosnell, was a Philadelphia doctor who performed thousands of abortions, many after the 24-week gestation period, often terminating the lives of live babies with a pair of scissors. Gosnell was able to operate under the most deplorable and unsanitary conditions for over 30 years without government or media intervention. He was finally brought to justice.
There’s been a concentrated effort from the Left to suppress public awareness of this important documentary. Any reasonable person would wonder why? Read on…
• Admittedly, “Gosnell” paints a very negative view of abortion. But what many on the Left seem to have missed is the fact that the movie isn’t about convincing you whether it is right or wrong. Instead, it’s drawing attention to a man who the Government allowed to commit mass murder for over 30 years.
• “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” paints a stark and disturbing history of the Philadelphia clinic. There were no gory or graphic shots of babies or abortions, and no pictures of dead fetuses. Nor was there any real attempt to focus on sheer shock value to convince. Instead, the movie simply lays the facts of the situation for the public to be aware of.
• Opening scenes focused on the absolute filthy conditions in the clinic. Bags of medical waste littered the hallways. Patients urinated on the floors because they could not get into a bathroom. Every glance presented an immediate view of litter and refuse – unheard of for a clinic or hospital.
• The first 15 minutes of the movie highlighted the extreme filthy conditions at the clinic and at Dr. Gosnell’s personal residence. Gosnell performed abortions at both locations throughout his time “serving” the public.
• Gosnell’s employees were completely untrained and unlicensed. Despite their lack of skill, the physician allowed them to dispense major pain medications to patients and even administered anesthesia when it was needed. This alone placed his patients, many of whom were disadvantaged and desperate, at risk.
• Dr. Gosnell’s abortion practices (setting aside the right versus wrong of it for a moment) were also extremely questionable. He regularly performed abortions after the 24-week gestation period, allegedly using surgical scissors to cut the necks of newly born infants to “ensure they didn’t suffer.” Not only was he performing abortions, but he was also engaging in what even some pro-choicers would class as murder – taking the lives of viable newborn infants after birth.
• Dr. Gosnell would decide somewhat arbitrarily that a pregnancy was under 24 week limit so the procedure could be performed legally. Records were often not maintained. Those that were maintained were riddled with errors and even occasionally manipulated to show a much different picture.
• But just how did this man get away with so many criminal acts? If a doctor were to engage in the same behavior today, an angry mob would arrive at their doorstep in an instant. In Dr. Gosnell’s case, the angry mob never showed up for a few very specific reasons.
• First, Gosnell’s neighborhood was exceptionally poor. Patients who arrived on his doorstep were often desperate enough to agree to virtually anything. Allegedly, many were addicts who would come for abortions to access the freely-given pain medication his staff handed out illegally over the 30 years they stayed in practice.
So what is it really that the Left is trying to hide?
The government, in fear of being accused of being anti-abortion, virtually allowed Gosnell’s clinic to continue committing thousands of murders and endangering lives for just under 30 years. They not only knew about the transgressions – a product of the many, many complaints lodged against Gosnell and his staff members – but also decided not to enforce basic rules or shut him down.
Here are more facts to consider:
• Media and government cooperated in attempting to cover up Gosnell’s 30 years of medical procedures under extreme conditions. This long-game coverup is highlighted in the movie at several points, demonstrating how local and national media outlets avoided the topic and actively attempted to suppress it.
• In fact, they even attempted to suppress information about Gosnell’s criminal case when he was investigated and prosecuted. It isn’t hard to see why once you really dig into the meat of Dr. Gosnell’s case and the evidence presented within it. Staff members presented powerful testimonies, evidence was presented and Dr. Gosnell was sentenced to life for the murders of multiple live birth babies.
• The deciding courtroom testimony that convinced the jury of Dr. Gosnell’s atrocities happened when a staff person told about multiple instances where viable babies were taken from the womb alive after 24 weeks. Dr. Gosnell would then administer his procedure to end their lives – using scissors to sever the spinal cord at the base of the neck.
• Gosnell claimed his “procedure” was an assurance only, and that he only ever used it to guarantee infants wouldn’t suffer. But he also stated that the babies he aborted were never alive after they were born. This gives most people pause; if the newborns were already dead, why would they be suffering?
The suppression of the Gosnell movie, and in fact, Gosnell’s entire case, is a stark reminder of what can happen when media manipulates facts.
The cover-up may have started with local governments, but the fact that the media worked hard to prevent word from spreading by refusing to cover it and actively suppressing it is frightening. Can we really believe what we read?
Ultimately, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” is further evidence of how the government controls what the American public sees and hears. Again, the emphasis was not on opposing legal abortion, but the conditions and details under which the doctor and his untrained staff conducted the procedures. This movie sat on the shelf for two years because Hollywood would not produce it – all because people feared showing the negative side of abortion, even though it wasn’t even the point of the movie.
America's Biggest Serial Killer We Never Knew About... Until NowThere’s a controversial new film in the the theaters called: “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.” Dr. Kermit Gosnell, was a Philadelphia doctor who performed thousands of abortions, many after the 24-week gestation period, often terminating the lives of live babies with a pair of scissors. Gosnell was able to operate under the most deplorable and unsanitary conditions for over 30 years without government or media intervention. He was finally brought to justice.
There’s been a concentrated effort from the Left to suppress public awareness of this important documentary. Any reasonable person would wonder why? Read on…
• Admittedly, “Gosnell” paints a very negative view of abortion. But what many on the Left seem to have missed is the fact that the movie isn’t about convincing you whether it is right or wrong. Instead, it’s drawing attention to a man who the Government allowed to commit mass murder for over 30 years.
• “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” paints a stark and disturbing history of the Philadelphia clinic. There were no gory or graphic shots of babies or abortions, and no pictures of dead fetuses. Nor was there any real attempt to focus on sheer shock value to convince. Instead, the movie simply lays the facts of the situation for the public to be aware of.
• Opening scenes focused on the absolute filthy conditions in the clinic. Bags of medical waste littered the hallways. Patients urinated on the floors because they could not get into a bathroom. Every glance presented an immediate view of litter and refuse – unheard of for a clinic or hospital.
• The first 15 minutes of the movie highlighted the extreme filthy conditions at the clinic and at Dr. Gosnell’s personal residence. Gosnell performed abortions at both locations throughout his time “serving” the public.
• Gosnell’s employees were completely untrained and unlicensed. Despite their lack of skill, the physician allowed them to dispense major pain medications to patients and even administered anesthesia when it was needed. This alone placed his patients, many of whom were disadvantaged and desperate, at risk.
• Dr. Gosnell’s abortion practices (setting aside the right versus wrong of it for a moment) were also extremely questionable. He regularly performed abortions after the 24-week gestation period, allegedly using surgical scissors to cut the necks of newly born infants to “ensure they didn’t suffer.” Not only was he performing abortions, but he was also engaging in what even some pro-choicers would class as murder – taking the lives of viable newborn infants after birth.
• Dr. Gosnell would decide somewhat arbitrarily that a pregnancy was under 24 week limit so the procedure could be performed legally. Records were often not maintained. Those that were maintained were riddled with errors and even occasionally manipulated to show a much different picture.
• But just how did this man get away with so many criminal acts? If a doctor were to engage in the same behavior today, an angry mob would arrive at their doorstep in an instant. In Dr. Gosnell’s case, the angry mob never showed up for a few very specific reasons.
• First, Gosnell’s neighborhood was exceptionally poor. Patients who arrived on his doorstep were often desperate enough to agree to virtually anything. Allegedly, many were addicts who would come for abortions to access the freely-given pain medication his staff handed out illegally over the 30 years they stayed in practice.
So what is it really that the Left is trying to hide?
The government, in fear of being accused of being anti-abortion, virtually allowed Gosnell’s clinic to continue committing thousands of murders and endangering lives for just under 30 years. They not only knew about the transgressions – a product of the many, many complaints lodged against Gosnell and his staff members – but also decided not to enforce basic rules or shut him down.
Here are more facts to consider:
• Media and government cooperated in attempting to cover up Gosnell’s 30 years of medical procedures under extreme conditions. This long-game coverup is highlighted in the movie at several points, demonstrating how local and national media outlets avoided the topic and actively attempted to suppress it.
• In fact, they even attempted to suppress information about Gosnell’s criminal case when he was investigated and prosecuted. It isn’t hard to see why once you really dig into the meat of Dr. Gosnell’s case and the evidence presented within it. Staff members presented powerful testimonies, evidence was presented and Dr. Gosnell was sentenced to life for the murders of multiple live birth babies.
• The deciding courtroom testimony that convinced the jury of Dr. Gosnell’s atrocities happened when a staff person told about multiple instances where viable babies were taken from the womb alive after 24 weeks. Dr. Gosnell would then administer his procedure to end their lives – using scissors to sever the spinal cord at the base of the neck.
• Gosnell claimed his “procedure” was an assurance only, and that he only ever used it to guarantee infants wouldn’t suffer. But he also stated that the babies he aborted were never alive after they were born. This gives most people pause; if the newborns were already dead, why would they be suffering?
The suppression of the Gosnell movie, and in fact, Gosnell’s entire case, is a stark reminder of what can happen when media manipulates facts.
The cover-up may have started with local governments, but the fact that the media worked hard to prevent word from spreading by refusing to cover it and actively suppressing it is frightening. Can we really believe what we read?
Ultimately, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” is further evidence of how the government controls what the American public sees and hears. Again, the emphasis was not on opposing legal abortion, but the conditions and details under which the doctor and his untrained staff conducted the procedures. This movie sat on the shelf for two years because Hollywood would not produce it – all because people feared showing the negative side of abortion, even though it wasn’t even the point of the movie.
![]() Gosnell Movie Debut
Oct 11, 2018 The movie, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” depicts the true story of Kermit Gosnell and his Philadelphia abortion facility that killed babies in a live-birth abortion process. In May 2013, Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder, conspiracy to kill, and involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was convicted of the murders of three infants and involuntary manslaughter after a botched abortion attempt killed a woman from an inhumanely administered drug overdose. Gosnell was also charged with 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. Gosnell is currently serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole. Operating under the cover of providing “reproductive health services,” Gosnell brutally executed hundreds of live babies by stabbing them in their necks and severing spinal cords with scissors and knives. The remains of 47 aborted babies ranging in age from 12 weeks to late second trimester and beyond the 24-week ceiling under Pennsylvania’s abortion law were found in makeshift containers throughout his facility. “This movie depicts the true story of an abortionist who killed babies without giving it a second thought,” said Mat Staver. This movie is PG-13 but does not show the actual graphic reality of the procedure of abortion. However, this educates viewers and depicts the reality of why Liberty Counsel fervently defends the sanctity of human life. Liberty Counsel continues to defend Sandra Merritt, a journalist whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood’s unethical and potentially illegal profiteering from the sale of aborted baby body parts. __________________________________________ ![]() WHAT’S IN A WORD?
Leaked NPR Emails: Don’t Call Kermit Gosnell an ‘Abortion Doctor’ National Public Radio’s own past reporting called Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ But when the makers of a new film wanted to pay to use the phrase on air, no dice. OPINION Early last month, John Sullivan, executive producer of the new film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer (in theaters Oct. 12), reached out to National Public Radio to purchase a sponsorship for the Peabody Award-winning interview show, Fresh Air. Sullivan, who was prepared to spend as much as six figures, crafted his ad copy to answer the question you’re probably asking: Who is Gosnell? The proposed ad was as follows, “Support for this NPR program comes from the film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The film is the true story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. A story the mainstream media tried to cover up because it reveals the truth about abortion.” No dice. According to e-mails provided to The Daily Beast, NPR’s representative ran it up the legal flagpole and came back with a disappointing answer. In addition to other minor tweaks to the wording, their response stated, “The word ‘abortionist’ will also need to be changed to the neutral word ‘doctor.’” Seeking to find an acceptable compromise, Sullivan (who co-directed Dinesh D’Souza’s first two documentaries) next proposed simply using the term “abortion doctor.” This is a descriptive term that is morally neutral, he reasoned. Still, NPR refused to approve Sullivan’s compromise language. It was “Philadelphia doctor Kermit Gosnell” or bust. For the filmmakers, this was a deal-breaker. “Our movie isn’t about a podiatrist or a cardiologist or a proctologist,” said producer Phelim McAleer. “It’s specifically about a doctor who performs abortions.” When asked to comment, NPR’s Senior Director of Media Relations Isabel Lara explained, “Sponsor credits that run on NPR are required to be value neutral to comply with FCC requirements and to avoid suggesting bias in NPR’s journalism.” “Those of us trying to defend a free press against Trump’s claims about “fake news” have a simple message for the mainstream media: Please quit proving him right!”Lara sent me the modified language that was acceptable to NPR, which reads: “Hat Tip Distribution, with the film ‘Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,’ based on the true story of Philadelphia doctor Kermit Gosnell. Out Friday.” It’s still unclear why the term “abortion doctor” couldn’t be included. A quick search turns up past NPR stories with titles like, “Joyce Carol Oates' New Novel Begins With an Abortion Doctor's Murder” and “Abortion Doctor Killer Appeals to Kansas High Court." NPR even did a special series called “Training the next generation of abortion doctors.” Heck, there was even an NPR news story about Kermit Gosnell himself, and it was headlined, “Convicted Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gets Life in Prison.” For those of us who have been following the story, this should come as no surprise. Before trying to market the movie, the filmmakers encountered similar obstacles preventing them from crowdfunding via Kickstarter. Then, they had a hard time finding a distributor. And long before a film existed, the actual crime itself, the event on which the film is based, was largely under-covered. As liberal commentator Kirsten Powers wrote at USA Today back in 2013, “Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven't heard about these sickening accusations? It's not your fault.” Powers continued, “Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page.” That’s not to say the story hasn’t been covered. It has. As noted above, NPR covered it back in 2013. Everything gets covered. The real issue is about story placement, emphasis, and repetition. The Gosnell story was covered. It was not, however, on the front page every day for weeks on end—nor did the topic become the prompt for many cable news panel discussions. It should have been. So we are left asking ourselves, why wasn’t it? Of course, the makers of Gosnell are currently focused on a more pressing problem: promoting a movie that has been at least four years in the making. Almost everyone concedes that the mainstream media tilts leftward, and almost everyone agrees that nobody has a “right” to free publicity for their movie. The interesting thing here, though, is that the producers of Gosnell can’t even pay to accurately promote theirs. “NPR receives taxpayer funds,” said Gosnell producer Ann McElhinney. “They have a duty to push aside their own prejudices and opinions and apply fair and consistent standards and allow paid advertising even if the ads are promoting something they would rather remain hidden from their listeners.” “Perhaps Congress should look into the matter. If they’re so well-funded that they’re turning away advertisers like us, maybe they don't need government subsidies anymore,” continued McAleer. I’m not sure Congress needs to get involved, but this controversy is merely the latest example of why conservatives have a legitimate gripe about liberal media bias. Television and news media are vital institutions that can help hold powerful people accountable. Public confidence in these institutions can be shaken when their most revered institutions display examples of bias—and the examples are legion. Keep in mind that this story comes on the heels of Friday’s botched New York Times piece that incorrectly claimed that Nikki Haley spent $52,701 on curtains for the residence of the ambassador to the United Nations. The New York Times has since added an editor’s note that admits the “headline created an unfair impression about who was responsible for the purchase in question.” The curtains were purchased during the Obama administration. Despite a constant stream of examples of bias, the media has shown zero interest in addressing this problem, and Donald Trump’s presidency has only complicated things. On one hand, you have media outlets complaining that Trump shouldn’t take aim at them because they represent the concept of a free press, and on the other hand, they are talking about "fighting back." Either you are a combatant (equal with the other fighter) or you are an observer (operating with different rules). We in the media cannot control Trump’s behavior, but we can rise to the occasion and try to prove to conservative Americans that they can trust us. That starts with an admission of bias and a promise to do better. Those of us trying to defend a free press (whether it’s The New York Times or NPR) against Trump’s claims about “fake news” have a simple message for the mainstream media: Please quit proving him right! |
Came in No. 12 overall, was No. 8 in per screen averages for new films On Friday, just as the movie “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” was set to open, Facebook was busy trying to limit its publicity. And talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh was recommending people see it because “the story itself is heart-stopping enough.” In that apparent faceoff of media titans, Rush Limbaugh won. The film opened over the weekend as the No. 1 independent film and was No. 8 in per screen averages and No. 12 overall. “Despite an unprecedented media blackout that found nearly every major film publication refusing to review it, indie film ‘Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer’ surpassed box-office expectations this weekend coming,” the film’s publicist said in a statement. “Although the film was made available for review, only two major publications, the Los Angeles Times and Forbes chose to review it. Yet in spite of this media boycott, the film performed surprisingly well on nearly 700 screens across the country, with Burbank, California, coming in as the top theater. “At the time many in the media apologized for failing to cover the Gosnell trial and promised to do better but [now] they are refusing to review a film about the case that is available nationally and has attracted huge social media buzz,” said Ann McElhinney, a screenwriter for the film. “By refusing to review the film the media are ignoring a historic film about a historic case but also telling 30,000 people their record crowd-funding is not important and doesn’t matter,” Phelim McAleer, who also helped write the screenplay. “It’s not surprising that no one trusts the media anymore.” The movie tells the story of Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist convicted on murder charges for killing babies after they were born. It was financed through a record crowd-funding campaign that raised $2.3 million from 30,000 contributors in just weeks. The film’s makers went to social media, grass roots marketing, alternative and conservative media to promote their project, apparently with significant success. “We are not surprised,” said McAleer when informed of the refusal of top publication such as the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, the New York Times, the New York Post, the Associated Press and many others to review the film. “In politics there’s a term for this: voter suppression – a sad attempt to pretend our film isn’t in theaters across America this weekend. But they can’t ignore the box office numbers. We humbly thank all of our fans across the country for this great opening. The people have spoken!” The Washington Times reported the film did “surprisingly well” on its first weekend. And the Daily Caller said that while movie watchers gave it a score of 4.9 points out of five, media outlets appeared uninterested. Gosnell now is serving three life sentences on his 2013 convictions of first-degree murder for killing three babies during botched abortions. He was also convicted of performing illegal late-term abortion procedures. WND reported Friday McAleer said Facebook’s refusal to promote the film was because company officials “don’t want this film to succeed” because of the broader implications of the story. “The establishment hates that the truth is getting out there,” the Irish filmmaker told WND at the time. An attempt to promote the film and trailer through Facebook by paying to “boost” a post with a link to an article published by a mainstream Hollywood publication was denied because it constituted “political speech.” Limbaugh told his audience: “If you don’t know about Kermit Gosnell, if you’ve not heard the name, if it doesn’t ring a bell, you by all means should see this. If you do know who Gosnell is and if you think you know the story, you should see this. “You’re not watching a political documentary here. You’re watching a movie portrayal of a real life event, and it’s treated as a real life event, as any other would be, without a lot of political preaching because it’s felt it’s not necessary, and it isn’t. “The story itself is heart-stopping enough as it is,” he said. __________________________________________ ![]() “Gosnell” Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October
NATIONAL STEVEN ERTELT AUG 15, 2018 | 6:24PM WASHINGTON, DC The trailer for the new movie “Gosnell” has just been released and it will surely make watchers want to see the intense new film. The feature film, “Gosnell,” which is scheduled for release in October, unmasks the shocking true story of the investigation and trial of Kermit Gosnell, a man who performed countless illegal, late-term abortions and murdered several born children as well. He is the abortion practitioner who killed babies in live-birth abortions that were more akin to infanticide than abortion. The media virtually ignored Kermit Gosnell until the pro-life movement launched a concerned effort to call them out on their bias during the early stages of his trial for murder. Now, Gosnell is prison, having been convicted of murder in the deaths of multiple babies,though he was accused of killing thousands of viable babies. Still, one report from Gallup showed a large percentage of Americans still have no idea who Gosnell is and what he did. Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer opens nationwide on October 12 and stars Dean Cain as the detective who put Gosnell behind bars. Click here to sign up for pro-life news alerts from Movie executive director Phelim McAleer previously told LifeNews that, despite the grisly, horrific nature of the case, what astounded him the most was the lack of a media presence covering Gosnell’s trial. “This is one of the biggest stories I’ve ever seen, I’ve ever heard about, and there was no coverage at all,” he said. After the events of Gosnell’s case concluded, McAleer and his wife, fellow journalist and documentarian Ann McElhinney, decided to take matters into their own hands. “I just assumed then once he [Gosnell] was convicted, that there was going to be a mega movie, because why wouldn’t you make a movie out of this?” McAleer said. “So I waited and waited and I realized, wow, no one’s making a movie out of this? That’s because they don’t want—Hollywood doesn’t want to touch this story or cover this story. So, if they’re not going to do it, then I should do it. We’ve done this before; we’ve been telling stories all of our lives. We’ll just make a movie, and we did.” Once the idea was set, the next major task was to allocate money to make the film. McAleer decided to crowdfund, a strategy he has used for previous films. He and his wife initially went to Kickstarter to fundraise, but they faced censorship on that site. “Kickstarter said ‘yeah, you can [fundraise] here, but you have to change the description of your project,” McAleer said. McAleer was asked to remove terms like “murder,” “murdering babies,” and “stabbing babies” from the description of their project, because the words were deemed offensive to Kickstarter’s community values. Gosnell was, in fact, convicted of murdering three newborn babies, and witnesses who testified at the trial said he killed them by stabbing the backs of the babies’ necks with scissors. “I don’t want to be part of a community that has standards that force you to lie,” McAleer said. McAleer and McElhinney then pulled out of Kickstarter and proceeded to fundraise via Indiegogo, a similar fundraising website. Their campaign went well, to say the least. Nearly 30,000 people raised $2.3 million in 45 days for “Gosnell,” which broke the website’s fundraising record. Even though McAleer and his wife made Indiegogo history, there was little fanfare. “No mainstream media has ever written a story on us. When they write nice puffy stories about crowdfunding, they seem to forget to include us. And you know, it’s a movie that exposes them, shows them off for the agenda-driven PACs that they are. Our movie is saying the things that they don’t want to talk about—the negative side of abortion and how the media covers things up,” he said. “Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down. “So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said. The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit |
![]() What's Next Aileen?
Host: Aileen Milton Founder & President of TVCM Filmed By: The Villages Conservative Media ![]()
![]() GOT ROKU ADD Freedom in America to your Roku Channel Selection Sign up and add GET ROKU To Watch The Villages Conservative Media & The Villages Tea Party on your TV After you sign in to your Roku account, it should take you to the "ADD CHANNEL" area. Failing that, sign into your Roku account and go to this page: The code is BIGVFIA01 Enter it in the space and then hit ADD CHANNEL. You might have to reboot your Roku device to get it to install. Some do, some don't. When you get it, it will be at the very bottom of your channel list. You can move it by hitting the '*' function button and move it to where you want it to be. |

Here’s a photograph of Jessie Tarbox Beals, America’s first female photojournalist, with her camera on a street a century ago. While most female photographers of her time shot photos from the peace and safety of photo studios, Beals ventured into the world of photojournalism and made a name for herself through her tenacity, self-promotion, and freelance news photos.