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"The most dangerous place for a black person in America is in the womb of an African American woman" This quote is absolutely chilling.
_____________________________![]() Let’s keep fighting for our President!
Sign Waving
Saturday, November 28th 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. In support of President Trump and Fair & Legal Elections Corner of Morse Blvd. & 466 in The Villages (Park at Sheriff's Station or Hope Lutheran Church) We will have signs. Bring your flags. You can bring a chair if you need to sit. COME OUT & JOIN THE FUN & SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP! PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE PROTESTORS! Remember, there is no such thing as too many flags! Tell your friends & neighbors! DL[email protected] Villagers for Trump COVID & the Great Reset – Connecting the Dots (PART 1)
By Ty Bollinger Article Summary
![]() New York State Sheriffs Won’t Enforce Andrew Cuomo’s Thanksgiving Lockdown Orders
They won’t break up Thanksgiving. Published Nov 16, 2020 By Richard Moorhead At least three New York state county sheriffs have announced that they won’t enforce an edit from Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo criminalizing Thanksgiving gatherings of more than ten people. The county sheriff’s departments of Rensselaer County, Saratoga County, and Lewis County all confirmed that they don’t intend on breaking up Thanksgiving gatherings Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo openly questioned how utilizing his deputies to count the number of cars int the driveways of private citizens would be an effective use of resources and beneficial to the public. Lewis County Sheriff openly responded “No, I will not” when asked by 7 News if he intended to enforce the governor’s latest edict. All three of the sheriffs have urged common sense public health and social distancing measures, but the buck seems to stop at breaking up family gatherings at private homes on Thanksgiving. The three counties are located in upstate New York, all well away from the Democrat-controlled economic center of the state in New York City. Albany is the capital of New York. New York state has enacted draconian coronavirus restrictions, and yet the state has emerged as the global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. This hasn’t prevented Governor Cuomo from embarking on a lengthy “victory tour,” including writing a book about his supposed successes in leadership that may be a prelude to a 2024 presidential campaign. Maybe the answer doesn’t lie in policing the activities of families in their own homes. Big League Politics has reported on attempts on the part of globalist elites to enact a “great reset” on western societies following the coronavirus pandemic, in which the abilities of everyday people to own private property and make their own lifestyle decisions will be redistributed to powerful global corporations and governments. ![]() Trying to Think Ahead
By Christopher Chantrill American Thinker November 17, 2020 Of course, I believe that Donald Trump won the November 3rd election fair and square and he should use every legal means to prove it. But, it seems to me that we are not going to get out of the present cold civil war until the American people teach the Democrats a lesson they will never forget. At least until next time. Here’s what I don’t understand. I thought that all the smart people agreed with Judis and Teixeira about The Emerging Democratic Majority of women, minorities, young people, and professionals. So who needs to game the vote, Democrats? So why do they need bushels of Dominion votes in four Democrat cities -- Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta -- to win Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia? Why the thirty-year effort of the Dems to relax the rules on voting, from Motor Voter to the present vote-by-mail? Why is it necessary to game the vote -- even steal an election? Why is it necessary to hound a duly-elected president with a Special Prosecutor and goose up an impeachment over a phone call, and blast him throughout the COVID-19 epidemic? Why is it necessary to call your opponents systemic racists 50 years after the civil rights acts? Why is it necessary to censor social media, bearded @jack? Why is it necessary to hide Hunter Biden’s influence peddling? I thought you guys already owned the future. The answer is obvious. People don’t cheat unless they are about to lose everything, wife, house, job, children. So, whatever brave front the Dems are putting on they know in their heart of hearts that the game is nearly up. But if President Trump claws back the win I worry about the next four years. The normal story in a second term is that the opposition makes a big showing in the midterms, winning back one or both Houses of Congress. Then in the next presidential election it is “time for a change” and the new president from the other party enters the White House with both Houses of Congress and a mandate for change. If that happens, then we haven’t solved the basic problem, which is that the Democratic Party is deeply corrupt, and that its agenda, from climate change to systemic racism, is an agenda by, for, and about the educated elite. The party, its officeholders, the media, and the whole educated elite needs to be sent to the woodshed and told to stay there until they come up with an agenda that will actually help ordinary Americans. But if President Trump is denied reelection then we Deplorables will be so mad that there ain’t nothing going to stop us. We will run the midterms and capture both houses. Then we will defeat the Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024, according to the all-American principle that you ain’t seen nothing yet. Then, maybe, all the billionaires and bearded @jacks and clueless media clowns and NGOs will get a clue, that they are an out-of-touch ruling class heading for the waste-heap of history to join the other out-of-touch ruling classes of the historical record. I am doing a close reading of Gaetano Mosca’s classic The Ruling Class and I am blogging each chapter here to make sure that I am the master of the book. One of his key ideas is that every ruling class rules with a “political formula” that justifies its rule beyond mere power. A good political formula connects with and appeals to the basic beliefs of the people, because then the rulers can rely on the people to sacrifice themselves for the good of society. E.g., WWII. Obviously, our present ruling class rules on the basis of its superior education and evolution and its moral commitment to fighting racism, sexism, and homophobia. That is its “political formula.” Notice how this formula does not connect with the basic beliefs of the American people. On the other hand, Trump’s “political formula” is that the American people are the best people in the world, America is the best country in the world, and you ain’t seen nothing yet. Which political formula do you think appeals best to ordinary Americans? Another line of Mosca’s is that a good ruling class is always sensitive to the “passions of the masses” and its policies are “influenced” by the concerns of the masses. I don’t know about you, but I get the feeling that, for our present rulers, a policy is a good one only if it hits the Deplorables over the head with a two-by-four. Now they are talking about President Trump starting his own TV network. Jared Kushner, the architect of Mideast peace, is working on it. Wow! Imagine that! And hey, the Trump news network website could pick up all the conservatives, like Conservative Tree House, that have been deplatformed by the liberal KGB. Hello liberals! Wouldn’t you really rather have Donald Trump in the White House? ![]() Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Former Pelosi Staffer Link
The Denver-based firm disputes other claims BY JACK PHILLIPS November 17, 2020 Dominion Voting Systems has refuted claims about being biased toward Democratic officials during the Nov. 3 election, including allegations about a raid on a server in Germany as well as ties to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) However, it did note that it made a donation to the Bill- and Hillary Clinton-operated Clinton Foundation and did not dispute that a former staffer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was hired as a lobbyist. In a lengthy statement last week, the Colorado-based voting systems provider first refuted that it has no ties to Smartmatic, another voting software maker, but it did note that the two firms worked together in the Philippines and said it bought some assets from Smartmatic-linked Sequoia about 10 years ago, adding that the two companies had legal disputes. Some Trump campaign officials made claims in recent interviews that Smartmatic had links to Dominion. Dominion has been at the center of controversy since Election Day after Antrim County, Michigan, showed Joe Biden beating President Donald Trump before the results were reversed, with county officials saying the error was due to the county clerk not updating software. The firm confirmed that it made a donation during a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but it asserted that it has “no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela.” According to the statement about the donation, in full, the firm quoted an Associated Press report as saying that “Dominion made a one-time philanthropic commitment at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but the Clinton Foundation has no stake or involvement in Dominion’s operations, the nonprofit confirmed.” It added: “The meeting included bipartisan attendees focused on international democracy-building.” Dominion linked to an AP report that noted that former Pelosi Chief of Staff Nadeam Elshami “is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion, according to public disclosures,” adding that the team “includes Brian Wild, who counts Republicans such as former House Speaker John Boehner and former Vice President Dick Cheney among his past bosses.” Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell, over the weekend, alleged that Smartmatic and Dominion were used to bolster Biden over Trump. “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.” “They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.” “We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said. Dominion has not responded to a request for comment about Powell’s claims. Dominion, in its statement, also asserted that claims of voter fraud are “conspiracies” and are “100 percent false.” The firm cited the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which called the 2020 election the “most secure in American history.” The agency failed to disclose, however, that Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council. Meanwhile, Smartmatic, in a statement, said last week that it has no ties with Dominion. Editor’s note: Headline edited for clarity on staffer’s relation to Pelosi. Zachary Stieber contributed to this report. ![]() A Lonely Man Finds Love Again
After forty-seven years of a great relationship, courtship, and marriage, the author found himself alone. His wife had struggled with a rough fight with dementia. Suddenly, she took a sudden and unexpected turn for the worse, leaving him alone for the first time in his adult life. He was sixty-four at the time but felt more like he was forty physically and ninety-five emotionally. For over a year, he had tried to go forward with his life, but when he was alone at night, his heart's emptiness reminded him that he needed someone to fill the ache inside him. Loneliness is a killer, and he was dying from grief. He was dying inside because he had never been alone in his life. He told himself that he would be alright, but he wasn't and was fading fast. Then he found Heather. They were two souls drifting in a sea of loneliness and grief that found one another amid a building storm. Is she the one that can pull him out of an escalating depression? We'll see. ![]() AKCA Praises International Trade Commission Decision on Wooden Cabinets and Vanities from China
Decision Imposes Final Duties on Billions of Dollars of Chinese Imports WASHINGTON, DC – March 24, 2020 – Today, the American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance (AKCA) is commending the final affirmative vote by the U.S. International Trade Commission as an important conclusion to a campaign to address unfairly traded Chinese imports of wooden cabinets and vanities. Today’s unanimous vote means that antidumping and countervailing duty orders will now go into effect the first week of April. “Today’s ITC vote is a major win for the American kitchen cabinet industry and our American workers,” remarked Edwin Underwood, President and COO of Marsh Furniture Company. “This is an extremely important victory for the American kitchen cabinet industry and importantly our great American manufacturing workers. When given a level playing field, the American kitchen industry can compete with anyone in the world.” “The decision rendered by the International Trade Commission helps level the playing field for American kitchen cabinet workers and our great American manufacturing industry,” said Mark Trexler, President and CEO at Master WoodCraft Cabinetry. “We look forward to working with our federal enforcement agencies to ensure that China now plays by the rules. Furthermore we commend the International Trade Commission and staff for completing the investigation in difficult circumstances.” While preliminary duties are currently being collected, once the orders are issued, duties will be collected at the final rates, which are higher for most companies. On 24 February 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued antidumping and countervailing duty final determinations. The total antidumping and countervailing duties were as follows: Dalian Meisen 269.91%, Foremost 122.1%, Ancientree 13.33%, with all others 58.89%. Today’s ITC vote means that almost all manufacturers that import from China will face final combined AD/CVD cash deposit rates of about 59%. The orders will remain in effect for a minimum of five years, and duty evasion, absorption and circumvention are strictly illegal. The AKCA is comprised of more than 50 member companies based across the United States. In February 2020, members of the AKCA testified in front of the International Trade Commission to stand up for American workers and protect the historic American industry. On March 6, 2019, the AKCA initiated one of the largest trade cases ever filed against Chinese imports at the International Trade Commission and the Department of Commerce – a case which challenges China’s manipulation and unfair trade practices in the wooden cabinet and vanity production industry. ### About AKCA: The American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance (AKCA) is a coalition of organizations that have joined forces to fight for American kitchen cabinet workers and our industry. Established in 2019, AKCA is standing up for American workers and supporting the actions of those who oppose China’s cheating of America’s kitchen cabinet industry. We are proud to support one of the largest trade cases in history filed against China at the International Trade Commission (ITC) and Department of Commerce. Media Contact: Thomas Mathiasen [email protected] 202-450-8785 ![]() Author of China Rx, Rosemary Gibson, Warned Congress Last Year and Now Here We Are
Rosemary Gibson has been at the forefront of the risk of our independence in regard to offshored pharmaceuticals. She has done everything but hold a bullhorn in front of the White House, including speaking in front of Congress. Testimony of Rosemary Gibson, Author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine” Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health: Safeguarding Pharmaceutical Supply Chains in a Global Economy / October 30, 2019 Her book, China Rx, was a profound awakening as I turned the pages. Read her Made in America Featured Interview to get a great look into what she reveals in her book. Watch as she speaks to the Made in America event attendees last year in Indianapolis. This was a celebration of American Made and the kick-off to a large U.S. manufacturing mission.
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- Ronald Reagan_________________ "Once again, it is incredible how Obama and the progressive liberals, with the help of mainstream media can so easily convince the American people that a lie is the truth and the truth is a lie. In fact, it would be dazzling if it weren't so disturbing." Plundered by Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D.
The Villages Tea Party Contributing Editors:
The Villages Conservative Media Aileen Milton, Webmaster ![]() email: [email protected]