U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivers remarks at UN Security Council meeting.
Restoration of goddess of 'extra-marital relations' follows images of Athena, arch of Baal Published: 2 hours ago BOB UNRUH Experts in Israel are expressing concern that the United Nations’ goal is warping toward the promotion of idolatry after word was released that the organization is playing a key role in the image of a third pagan god – the goddess of “extra-marital relations.” First it was part of the re-creation of the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the Temple of Baal. Then it was the re-creation of a statue of the goddess Athena which once stood in Palmyra. U.N. officials, and funding, have been insiders on each of those projects. Joe Kovacs, author of “Shocked By The Bible 2,” says the whole sad spectacle is part of an old story. “The promotion of pagan gods is certainly nothing new, and it again shows we’re all living in what I call ‘Opposite World,'” he explained. “It’s a world where most people do the very opposite action of what God has instructed. Our Creator tells us to have no other gods but Him, but folks do the opposite, honoring false gods. “The Bible says Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, built shrines to pagan gods such as Molech, a pagan god to whom people would burn their children alive in fires. It’s just sickening. Even God-fearing Christians today don’t realize they’re doing the very opposite of God’s instructions when they decorate trees with silver and gold and stand them up in their homes and churches every December. God personally says in the tenth chapter of Jeremiah not to do that precise heathen custom, and yet people have been tricked into decorating trees with all sorts of silver tinsel, gold garland and hanging ornaments, and they have no scriptural basis for it. For those interested in eternal life, we need to wake up and start obeying the instructions of our Maker, and stop all this pagan worthlessness.” You’re not being told the entire truth about the Bible’s contents. Learn Scripture on the spirit level as well as the physical level in the best-selling “Shocked by the Bible 2” — autographed at WND! Temple of Baal, Palmyra, Syria, prior to its destruction by ISIS Now Breaking Israel News confirms a third project is nearing completion, and it again has a theme of pagan gods, a point that has experts concerned. BIN reported, “A UNESCO-funded project reproduced a statue of a lion, the third project of its kind the organization has supported, leading at least one rabbi to conclude that the real goal of the political organization is to promote an agenda that has always stood as Israel’s nemesis: idolatry.” The report explains the third project is the Lion of al-Lat, an 11-foot-tall statue that was in the temple of “pre-Islamic goddess al-Lat in Palmyra, Syria,” which was damaged by ISIS. The 15-ton statue later was moved to the National Museum of Damascus for reconstruction. The report explains, “Part of the reconstruction of the lion statue was performed using high-intensity laser projection equipment adapted for large-scale 3-D printing in stone by the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) in Oxford. Much of the Lion project was underwritten by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) through its Heritage Emergency Fund and by the European Union.” There are several trains of thought regarding al-Lat. “It has been conjectured that al-Lat was the pre-Islamic consort of the Arabian god Allah. Another theory is that al-Lat was used as a title for the goddesses Asherah and Athirat. It is believed al-Lat was the continuation of the earlier Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar Inanna; the goddess of sex and, in particular, extra-marital relations,” BIN said. Rabbi Daniel Assur, of the Sanhedrin, which recently was reassembled in Israel, told BIN of the alarming sequence of events. “The entire mission of the organization is to blur the differences between the nations in order to bring them all under one roof and one authority in a New World Order,” he said. “The truth is, as the Bible says, there are 70 distinct nations. The U.N. believes they can create nations out of thin air. Once they do that, they can say that there are many gods, even ones you can create by 3-D printing.” He pointed out the U.N.’s long-standing and dominant anti-Israel bias. After all, it has voted to condemn the state of Israel more than all of the human rights offenders around the globe combined. “Because Israel stands as proof of what a nation is and the concept of one God, the U.N. has a vendetta against Israel and is irrationally biased against us,” Rabbi Assur explained to BIN. “They have a messianic vision of a unified government that will fix the world without God and without the Torah. This has always been the goal of idolatry, beginning with Egypt and continuing with the attempts of Rome and Greece to spread paganism across the world. Now we are seeing its modern manifestation.” He warned, “The New World Order promotes that everything is one, genders are all the same, there are no borders between nations. They believe everything is one, except God.” It was in December when it was learned the United Arab Emirates, the Italian mission to the United Nations and the Institute for Digital Archeology had re-created a statue of Athena. A statue of Athena at the Louvre (public domain) She was also known as “Athena Promachos,” a war goddess, and the re-created statue features her holding a spear. The exhibit, titled “The Spirit In the Stone,” was being hosted at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The globalist organizations earlier honored the reconstructed “Arch of Baal,” which was taken on a world tour, including being placed outside the G7 meeting of the world’s industrialized nations. “Most people today don’t realize how much of a hold ancient pagan beliefs, practices and images still have on their lives,” said Joseph Farah, author of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.” “In fact, pagan values and traditions have never left us. Even Jews and Christians are impacted by them. And they are not innocent because the gods of paganism are actually demons, according to the Bible. It’s not something to be played with. “The question confronting us right now is: Why would the United Nations be involved in resurrecting these occult images and icons of the past? Do they not understand what this represents – the false gods of child sacrifice and all kinds of abominations and perversions?” It’s the book that gives you tomorrow’s news today! Get your autographed copy of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.” Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn, best known for his New York Times bestseller “The Harbinger,”earlier explained he believes this strange revival in the promotion of pagan gods has deep theological significance. He noted Athena was associated with the Semitic mother goddess Asherah, whose shrines God commands to be destroyed in Deuteronomy 12. Cahn also claimed the goddess was sometimes merged with Ashtoreth, the consort of Baal in some traditions. Thus, there is a relationship between the new statue being displayed at the U.N. and the sinister arch which was displayed all over the world “The reappearance of the gods is an amazing phenomenon,” he said. “Not long ago, the image of the Hindu god of destruction, Kali, appeared on the Empire State building. Then the Arch of the Temple of the god Baal was built in New York City. Recently, a massive idol of the god Shiva was displayed on the Washington Mall along with that of a seven-headed dragon. And now the idol of Athena appears in the United Nations. “The mystery of ‘The Paradigm’ and ‘The Harbinger’ is that what transpired in the last days of ancient Israel before its judgment is now manifesting before our eyes. We are replaying an ancient judgment cycle. One of the manifestations that took place in ancient Israel before its destruction was the appearance throughout the land of the gods, their idols, their altars, their images. That the images of the gods are now manifesting throughout America is an ominous sign. We are replaying the judgment drama. “When Israel turned away from God, it turned to false gods and idols. So when a nation that has once known God turns away from Him, it always turns to other gods. It may not call them gods or idols, but the reality is the same. America was founded on the word of God. And inasmuch as it followed the ways of God, it has been blessed above any other nation in the modern world. But inasmuch as it has turned from its God and His ways, it has turned to other gods and idols. And unless it turns back, unless it sees revival, it will progress to judgment.” Discover the works of “America’s Prophet,” Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. From “The Harbinger” to “The Book of Mysteries,” each one makes a great gift! Available now at the WND Superstore. WND also recently reported that an event called the Catharsis on the Mall featured elements of devil worship on the National Mall in Washington. There appeared representations of “Lord Shiva Natarja,” a Hindu god appearing as a dragon and representing Satan. ___________________________ ![]() Nikki Haley shuts up Muslim diplomat who calls US a ‘blatant bully’ with furious 13 word response
December 21, 2017 | Frieda Powers | U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is not about to let America be insulted by another country and promptly shot back at a Muslim nation’s diplomat for calling the U.S. a bully.In a tweet on Wednesday, Reuters’ Michelle Nichols referred to a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” who reacted to a letter from Haley ahead of Thursday’s U.N. vote on a resolution to condemn the U.S. decision to move the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) The unnamed diplomat complained about America’s “blatant bullying.” But Haley shot right back with a tweet in response. Haley has echoed President Donald Trump’s strong stand for America and, in a letter to the delegations of over 180 countries, warned that he would be watching the vote in the United Nations General Assembly “very carefully,” asking the ambassador to “report back on those countries who voted against us,” CBS News reported. Haley also tweeted that the U.S. would be “taking names” in Thursday’s vote which is aimed at getting Trump to withdraw his administration’s decision to go ahead with the embassy’s move and, ultimately, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. “As you know, the General Assembly is considering a resolution about President Trump’s recent decision on Jerusalem,” Haley wrote in the letter, according to CBS News. “As you consider your vote, I want you to know that the President and U.S. take this vote personally.” Haley explained that 22 years ago, “the U.S. Congress declared that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of Israel, and that the U.S. Embassy should be located in Jerusalem. President Trump affirmed that declaration by officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” Top Obama advisor ‘jokes’ about death of GOP officials, and Steve Scalise has something to say about it (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images) On Monday, the U.S. stood alone against 14 other nations to veto the United Nations Security Council draft resolution proposed by Egypt that criticized the U.S. decision on Jerusalem. The president praised Haley during his Cabinet meeting at the White House Wednesday. “I like the message that Nikki sent yesterday at the United Nations, for all of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security Council, or they vote against us potentially at the assembly,” Trump said. “They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us, well, we’re watching those votes. Let ’em vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We don’t care. But this isn’t like it used to be where they could vote against you and then you pay them hundreds of millions of dollars and nobody knows what they’re doing,” ___________________________ Alert: UN Makes Its Move… Issues “Concrete Measures” Order to US Authorities
BY MARTIN WALSH ON AUGUST 24, 2017 AT 8:22AM A United Nations Committee responsible for combating racism globally issued an “early warning” for the United States, citing a growth in “alarming racism” trends. Anastasia Crickley, chairwoman of U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), issued a statement Tuesday in response to the violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, Aug. 12 during a white nationalist rally. “We are alarmed by the racist demonstrations, with overtly racist slogans, chants and salutes by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred,” Crickley said. According to Stock Board Asset, the early warning from the UN is rare and has been issued in the past prior to civil conflicts.The warning has only been issued a few time in the past 10 years, where it came for places like Burundi, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria. “In a decision issued under its ‘early warning and urgent action’ procedure, the Committee, which monitors implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, stated ‘there should be no place in the world for racist white supremacist ideas or any similar ideologies that reject the core human rights principles of human dignity and equality,'” Crickley said. She continued: “In addition to the criminal investigation of the individual who ploughed his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters killing a woman, the UN experts asked the US authorities to undertake concrete measures “to address the root causes of the proliferation of such racist manifestations.” The early warning from the UN is not only rare, but it echoes talking points from Democrats that President Donald Trump has not adequately disavowed white nationalists and neo-Nazis. Trump has been criticized in the mainstream media for not sufficiently condemning white nationalists and racists even though he has issued a slew statements since the tragic events, starting with the day they took place. Trump also denounced hate groups Aug. 14 during an announcement from the White House, specifically calling out the hate groups. “Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said. As Trump made extremely clear after the tragic event, Americans must come first. If the mainstream media and Democrats would stop trying to divide people, we could come together as one nation. For an organization as corrupt as the United Nations to start attacking the United States, which has done more to root out racism than virtually any country on earth, is beyond an insult. It could well be the first step toward an actual attack on liberties Americans hold dear — like the freedom of speech. It could be dangerous. H/T Zero Hedge Like and share this story if you agree that Trump has adequately disavowed white nationalists and all forms of bigotry! ____________________________ ![]() U.S. Ambassador Issues Bold Speech To U.N. Council, Demanding Them To Answer For Their Actions
Posted by Sam Di Gangi | Feb 21, 2017 | American Strength Nikki Haley is standing boldly for the peaceful nation of Israel. “I have to admit; it was a bit strange.” These are the words that the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has to say about the anti-Israel stances of most of the U.N. The meeting that the former South Carolina Governor attended was meant to discuss vital current world issues dealing with how to “maintain international peace and security” yet failed to address Hezbollah building rockets, something that is happening in Lebanon. Hezbollah, among praising Louis Farrakhan as he divides America, is well known as one of the biggest procurer’s of terrorism in the world. Haley also notices a lack of leadership in how the fact that Latin America and the Middle East is getting a constant influx of weapons from Iran was never mentioned. There was apparently little or no serious talks about how to defeat ISIS (something that one would reason would be the first issue on the agenda) or even the idea of bringing Assad to justice for hundreds of thousands of his countrymen that she thinks that he is responsible (there is little to no evidence that Assad had anything to do with the deaths, in reality). Advertisement Israel is called a terrorist state by some because it defends its borders. Still, her broader points about the fact that most of the United Nations are really only united in their hatred of Israel are all on target. There is going to be growing outcries for the U.S. to greatly limit our involvement with or to outright depart the U.N. more as this kind of Islamic tilted refusal to accept Israel grows within the body. This is because, as Haley said, “Instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East,” she said, before adding about the long anti-Israel bias common within the U.N, “I’m here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I’m here to underscore the ironclad support of the United States for Israel.” Haley came to actually DO her job, something the U.N. seems confused by. This is going to make the leftists and Democrats of America utterly perplexed because these common sense views “of hate” are not coming from an “evil white Christian man” but rather, a very dark hued female Sikh. As a Sikh, someone who commonly gets confused with a Muslim when in traditional dress, she is aware of just what Islam is and how it is viewed and why. Sikh’s are not driven by western values or the “every man for himself” mindset, but rather, driven by purpose. With this as her goal and her motive, this daughter of migrants is speaking from the point of view of a minority, a female, and an expert on the matters of which she speaks. The whole world mocks how the U.N. defends great evil when done against Israel. Advertisement She noted that the dual standards existent within the Security Council were “breathtaking,” something that has been noted by everyone BUT a U.S. Ambassador for far too long. Not afraid to call out the terror and evil that she sees being promoted and furthered within the United Nations, Haley bravely says, “Incredibly, the UN Department of Political Affairs has an entire department devoted to Palestinian affairs.” Haley has sort of flown under the radar since the media noted that president Trump and Haley had aless than friendly discourse while he was trekking towards the White House and yet he chose her anyway, but now it is clear why he did so. With the talent and bold-faced honesty of which she so strongly speaks, the truths that she declares without reservation is nothing short of a breath of fresh air and something greatly needed from within America on the world stage. The free world watched in stunned confusion as president Obama last ordered Israel to stop building on the West Bank (Jewish land) and the eastern part of Jerusalem (also rightful Jewish land). The line of thinking – if it can be called that – is that since the Palestinians have a problem with Israel having the land and since the Arabs can’t grasp the word “share” instead of “conquer,” then everyone is supposed to act as if this land is not rightfully Israel’s, which it is. Yes, both tribes were created first in that area, but the Jewish religion was the first established and rightful dweller of the land. When those that followed the path of Islam MANY years later fought the Jews and lost, that is what happens when someone loses a war. That land, therefore, is Jewish land both by birthright and victory. Haley said that there was little talk about defeating the foe of the world, ISIS, at the United Nations. This may be why a growing number of people are calling for the U.S. to leave the U.N. for good. Advertisement Would Iran be as open about not building on its land? Maybe Iraq or Libya or Egypt would like to do what they expect Israel to do, yes? This is the kind of double standards that Haley is speaking up about. Instead of allowing the elephant to remain in the room another moment unaddressed, Haley said, “We will never repeat the terrible mistake of Resolution 2334 and allow one-sided security council resolutions to condemn Israel. Instead, we will push for action on the real threats we face in the Middle East.” By speaking honestly as she does, Haley is showing that while our public school textbooks may falsely teach that the U.N. supports democracy in the world as part of it’s charter, that charter is as worthless as the dust on the floor beside it. Since America is a full member of the U.N. (which hopefully will change, though in this regard it helped), a veto from the United States is enough to stop anything like Resolution 2334 from happening while Trump is carefully steering the ship. Haley mentions that Israel is making new friends and business alliances every day, yet the Muslim world is bent upon stealing their land and calling it their own. No matter how often the lie is told it will not make the lie become a truth. If what Nikki Haley reports about the U.N. remains the case, look for more petitions like this (pictured) to gain traction. More than that, what would Islam do to the land if they did get it besides flush it into the Dark Ages mentality that is common for much of the Islamic world? Israel was a cesspool in the barren sand before Israel made it a wondrous and prosperous place. Israel attacks no one who does not attack them and that is why they are not at war with China, Russia, Ireland, or Canada. No non-Islamic nation in the world is at war with Israel (though all sane peoples hate Zionists) because if Israel is not attacked they simply never attack anyone at all. Meanwhile, the world is running to the aid of radical Muslims who are at war with everyone who is not like them. Haley is not afraid to point this out and by doing so, she may have just highlighted the way to the exit sign for any U. S. leader wise enough to get the U.S. OUT of the United Nations for good. ![]() This United Nations Usurp of America Will Boil Your Blood! Their Agenda Just Got a Green Light! BY LISA HAVEN on JUNE 6, 2016 • ( 2 )
By Lisa Haven All of us should be outraged by the United Nations summit in Korea this week that adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary education regime that will brainwash our children into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded world citizens. In other words the UN will promote “merged development” of the “whole person” including their beliefs, values, spirituality and lifestyle. Their goal included indoctrinating our youth to understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote the UN agenda for the “common good.” Meaning throw personal individuality and freedom out the door and accept the hive mentality of “the good of the whole.” If that wasn’t bad enough it also details how they plan to integrate the New World Order concept into our youth by, “exploring ways and means by which education for global citizenship can be integrated into curricula and the agenda for education.” PURE OUTRAGE! Another disturbing document is UNESCO’s UN Decade of Education For Sustainable Developmentreport that lays out, in detail, what the summit in Korea was truly about—brainwashing citizens and our youth to be poor obedient “sustainability-minded, social-justice, world citizens.” Probably the most shocking information contained in UNESCO’s report is found on page 12-13 which states: “Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case more education increases the threat to sustainability.” (pg.12) The report further details: “Simply educating the citizens [specifically the US] to higher levels is not sufficient for creating sustainable societies.” (pg.13) In other words, they can’t “educate” the citizens to follow their agenda, therefore they brainwash our children and target the middle class. The more money you and I have, the worse off the “world” is, therefore it is their goal to force us into poverty and make us a lower poorer class of obedient zombies. Keep in mind this agenda has been promoted and accepted in a majority of countries—all of whom are dictators wanting to control their citizens and all of whom plan on keeping money in their pockets while taking ours. But that’s not all! The report also details how they plan on “indoctrinating” children in the schools to accomplish the sustainable development agenda for the next generation: “An important distinction is the difference between education about sustainable development and education for sustainable development. The first is an awareness lesson or theoretical discussion. The second is the use of education as a tool to achieve sustainability. In our opinion, more than a theoretical discussion is needed at this critical juncture in time. While some people argue that “for” indicates indoctrination, we think “for” indicates a purpose.” (pg. 9) In other words instead of calling it what it truly is, indoctrination, lets put it under a new label and call it “purpose” because just educating people about isn’t good enough, they have to force it! OUTRAGE! The report further details how the role of women is essential and they need their participation in order to accomplish more depopulation: “The full participation of women is essential to achieve sustainable development….an educated woman tends to desire a smaller family size and seek the health care necessary to do so. She has fewer and healthier children.” (pg.11-13) While I’m all for women being educated, you should not do this under the banner of attacking traditional values or forcing it on a population. There is nothing wrong with a stay-at-home parent, which is exactly what they are attacking in this section of the report. Please understand the agenda here, they want to indoctrinate your youth and the world and make them into poor lower-class sustainable development zombies—which includes depopulation, the homosexuality agenda, abortion, socialism, freedom loss, bondage and tyranny. In the video below I detail all of the above and a HECK of a lot more! If you’ve never seen a video of mine, this is the one to watch! As it is one of the MOST important I’ve done to date! For More Information See: ____________________________ ![]() Reasons to Get US Out! of the UN
Share This on Social Media! Written by John F. McManus Wednesday, 06 April 2016 United Nations buildings, New York City Support H.R. 1205, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015. On August 13, 2015, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon publicly called for the resignation of the top UN official in the Central African Republic. Citing sexual violence against the people perpetrated by UN peacekeepers in that landlocked country, Ban stated, “I can not put into words how anguished and ashamed I am by the recurrent reports over the years of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN forces.” Ban shouldn’t have been suddenly horrified by such criminal activity. Rape and exploitation of defenseless women and children by UN peacekeepers is more the norm than the exception. Countries where such conduct had already occurred over the last decade include Haiti, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, South Sudan, Bosnia, East Timor, Ivory Coast, and the Central African Republic. In the face of such a record, the world is supposed to look the other way and join in absurd insistence about how much the UN is needed. But Paula Donovan of the “AIDS-Free World” organization explains why little if anything is done to stop the atrocities. “If something isn’t going well in the world, you can blame the member states. But if something is not going well in the [UN] organization, everyone suppresses the bad news and doesn’t pass it along.” There is, of course, far more to consider about the world body than the horrifying misconduct of its peacekeepers. The UN was established for the purpose of destroying national sovereignty and abolishing the personal freedom of every person on Earth. Operating under its charter formulated in 1945 by open Russian Communist Andrei Vyshinsky and secret U.S. Communist Alger Hiss, the UN has steadily grown in power and authority. Debating entry into the world body in the summer of 1945, the U.S. Senate approved the charter by a vote of 89 to 2, thereby placing our nation in the organization as one of its founders. When the UN calls for, or when American leaders decide to engage in, military activity, subsequent action proceeds in the name of the UN itself, as in Korea in the 1950s, or more frequently in the name of the one of the UN’s “Regional Arrangements,” such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) as provided in the charter’s Articles 51-54. One of these UN subsidiaries, labeled SEATO, directed America’s defeat in the Vietnam War. Currently, the UN’s NATO now oversees the conflict in Afghanistan. Ever since the end of World War II, the U.S. hasn’t won a war (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan), but our casualties have been more than a hundred thousand. Membership in the United Nations led to all those deaths and injuries without the victories that could have been achieved by unchained U.S. forces. A different but important kind of loss has been termination of the required constitutional declaration of war by Congress. In his address to the UN in 1990, President George H.W. Bush showed his true loyalties when he stated, “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” He’s never been alone in uttering such subversive nonsense. In 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell journeyed to UN headquarters to proclaim, “With respect to U.S. policy, when it comes to our role as a member of the Security Council, we obviously are bound by UN resolutions.” He should have been fired, but he won praise. Far from being the only U.S. leaders to bow before the UN, Bush and Powell expressed the consistent attitude held by U.S. leaders ever since our country entered the UN in 1945. To them, their oath to abide by the U.S. Constitution means nothing. Meanwhile, the supposedly “do nothing” UN is hard at work seeking and arranging for national disarmament, abolition of an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, unrestricted abortion, control of education, placement of refugees, termination of property rights, sovereignty-destroying trade pacts, environmental and population controls, and much more. And a parade of U.S. leaders stretching back to 1945 has cooperated with every seizure of power, every UN intervention in the domestic affairs of nations (clearly forbidden by the UN Charter), and the beginning steps contained in the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 programs. Anyone who removes the blinders can see the UN steadily gaining total control over everyone and everything. All of this boils down to the shocking realization that our country isn’t being taken over by the world body; it is being delivered to the United Nations. Which means that we can do something about it. We can work to inform a sufficient number of fellow Americans who will demand that our country withdraw from the trap that has been laid for us, a trap into which our own leaders are steadily pushing our country. Congress put America into the UN. Congress can and should take us out. In March 2015, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) introduced H.R. 1205(the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015) in the House of Representatives, calling for U.S. withdrawal from the world body. A companion measure is needed in the Senate. Even though H.R. 1205 was introduced over a year ago, there are still only six cosponsors in the House. It’s up to all of us that understand the threat posed by the United Nations, plus many more each of us can influence, to contact our representatives and senators and strongly urge that they cosponsor and pass H.R. 1205 to Get US Out! of the United Nations in the House and introduce, cosponsor, and pass a companion bill in the Senate. Please phone your representive at 202-225-3121 and your senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to cosponsor and pass H.R. 1205 in the House and a companion bill in the Senate to Get US Out! of the United Nations. Please also email them with the same message. Influence others in your sphere of influence to do likewise. (This article was originally published with the same title in the May 2016 JBS Bulletin.) ___________________________ ![]() UN REGIONALISM PUSH – BUILDING BLOCKS FOR WORLD GOVERNMENT REGIONALISM PRIMER
January 12, 2016 by Alex Newman - Bear Witness Central The globalists hope to see nation states stuffed into regional blocs that are given ever-increasing authority, as a prelude to world government. The UN has been pursuing regionalism for quite some time, but what has not been reported is how regionalism is now baked into UN Agenda 2030 (sustainable development goals), the climate agreement recently reached in Paris and its ‘climate justice’ fund. The Truth will report on all this during January. We start with a regionalism primer: The United Nations and the forces hoping to keep strengthening it are using regional integration and regional governance as a stepping stone toward what they call “global governance.” Examples of these regional governments abound. The European Union, of course, is the most prominent, but hardly the only one. The African Union, Vladimir Putin’s Eurasian Union, the Union of South American States, and many more regional integration schemes are all in various stages of development. Behind it all is the UN and various internationalists such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who recently released a book titled World Order. “The contemporary quest for world order will require a coherent strategy to establish a concept of order within the various regions and to relate these regional orders to one another,” he explains in the book (emphasis in original). And that, in a nutshell, appears to be what is taking place worldwide. It is not a new idea. In 1962, internationalist Lincoln Bloomfield prepared a report for the U.S. State Department entitled “A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations.” In it, he explained how competition or even wars between regional super-regimes could dramatically accelerate the quest for global government. “A ‘normal’ historical process, in which ever-larger units evolve through customs unions, confederation, regionalism, etc., until ultimately the larger units coalesce under a global umbrella, could take up to two hundred years, on past performance figures, and even this may be optimistic,” wrote Bloomfield. “I have suggested that an alternative road may bypass the main path of history, short-circuiting the organic stages of consensus, value formation, and the experiences of common enterprise generally believed to underlie political community.” The plan, he said, “relies on a grave crisis or war to bring about a sudden transformation in national attitudes sufficient for the purpose.” Using such plotting, the “order” could “be brought into existence as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks,” Bloomfield explained. “Thus a hypothetical model can be constructed, fulfilling the characteristics of ‘a world effectively controlled by the United Nations.’ … We concluded that in theory it could come about in the short, medium, or long run by a brink of war — or a war — combined with the development of evolutionary trends that might favor it as the time span stretches out.” In other words, divide the world up into regions, then use various crises and even potentially war to encourage faster and deeper surrender of sovereignty. The UN has been supporting the process every step of the way, with each of the regional unions, while purportedly independent, acknowledging the UN as being at the top. The regionalization of the planet into a handful of supranational regimes loyal to the UN is not an organic development. The UN has trained African officials on how to launch a continental “free trade” (i.e., supranationally managed trade) regime. Such regimes have typically served as the nucleus for regional governance. (The EU came from the European Free Trade Agreement, and so on). Writer Alex Newman has been chronicling UN regionalization moves for years. ____________________________ ![]() American Minute with Bill Federer
United Nations began to end future wars... The United Nations officially began OCTOBER 24, 1945. Its name coined by President Franklin Roosevelt. The United Nations was created to prevent future wars. Unfortunately, there have been nearly 150 wars with over 100 million casualties from the day the United Nations' charter was drafted in the Garden Room of San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel: 5 in Central Asia, 11 in South Asia, 20 in Southeast Asia, 13 in Eastern Europe, 23 in the Middle East, 25 in Latin & South America and 50 in Africa. The Secretary-General at the United Nations Charter Conference in 1945 was Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was present at the Yalta Conference. February 4-11, 1945, where a large portion of Europe was put under the control of the Soviet Union. Alger Hiss was later accused and convicted of being a Communist agent in publicized 1948 trial. The person who accused Alger Hiss was a former Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers. Islamic Conquest-Past and Present DVD Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers had been senior editor of TIME Magazine before defecting to the United States. After Whittaker Chambersdied, President Ronald Reagan awarded him the Medal of Freedom, March 26, 1984, stating: "At a critical moment in our Nation's history, Whittaker Chambers stood alone against the brooding terrors of our age... He became the focus of a momentous controversy in American history that symbolized our century's epic struggle between freedom and totalitarianism, a controversy in which the solitary figure of Whittaker Chamberspersonified the mystery of human redemption in the face of evil and suffering." The 185 member United Nations spends $20 billion annually, with the largest amount being contributed by United States. Though 50 States comprise the United States of America, they are allowed only one combined vote, equivalent to the tiniest of nations. After accusations of a U.N. Oil for Food Scandal and a U.N. Sex Scandal, the U.N. was pressured to release its first audit in 2005. The U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights was rejected by the leaders of 57 Islamic countries, who formed their own group called the OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In 1990, the OIC passed their 'Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam' affirming Shariah law as supreme, with the death penalty for those leaving Islam, punishing women who are victims of rape, allowing men to be polygamous, permitting wife beating, and censoring speech insulting Islam. The fourth President of the U.N. General Assembly, elected in 1949, was Philippine General Carlos Romulo, who had served with General Douglas MacArthur in the Pacific. General Carlos Romulo, the first Asian to win a Pulitzer Prize, wrote: "Never forget Americans, that yours is a spiritual country. Yes, I know you're a practical people. Like others, I've marveled at your factories, your skyscrapers, and your arsenals. But underlying everything else is the fact that America began as a God-loving, God-fearing, God-worshiping people." America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations Search AMERICAN MINUTE archives Watch past FAITH IN HISTORY episodes for FREE News from AmericanMinute.comInvite Bill Federer to speak - large or small groups - email [email protected] or call 314-540-1172 ____________________________ |