TVCM Presents: What's Next Aileen?
![]() April 24, 2020
What's Next Aileen? Michael Cutler - Former INS Special Agent on COVID 19 & Immigration Immigration crisis represents a failure by design foisted on America and Americans both political parties over a period of decades. Mr. Cutler is an expert on the nexus between immigration and national security, the impact of immigration on the criminal justice system and strategies to combat illegal immigration, secure our nation’s borders and restore integrity to the immigration system. He graduated from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York in 1971 with a B.A. in Communications Arts and Sciences. Before becoming a fellow, Mr. Cutler had a 30 year career with the INS where he was a Senior Special Agent. ___________________ ![]() On Friday evenings from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Eastern Time, I host my show, "The Michael Cutler Hour" on the USA Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio.
Call in and join the conversation! The phone number is 310-982-4145 Here is the link to my program and my archived shows: USA Talk Radio Call in via Skype for free here (while show is Live) |
April 24, 2020
Interview with Michael Cutler from NY on COVID 19 & Immigration - PART ONE April 24, 2020
Interview with Michael Cutler from NY on COVID 19 & Immigration - PART TWO |
![]() Welcome to the PC (Post Coronavirus) Era
Lessons that must be learned. Thu Apr 2, 2020 Michael Cutler The world has been sent reeling by the Coronavirus pandemic that has yet to run its course. However, even though this deadly pandemic is still ongoing, it is not too soon to take stock of a number of critical issues. In point of fact, it is probably best to begin this process before the pandemic ends and the public permits this global crisis to fade from their minds as it fades from the news reports. To begin with, as I noted in my previous article, Because of the Coronavirus, Borders Suddenly Matter. For all of the bogus slanderous claims hurled by the radical Left in the media and politics, securing borders against those infected with a dangerous virus is not a matter of racism and xenophobia - but survival. Unlike most politicians, President Trump has the chutzpah to call things as he sees them. This, by itself, is enough to traumatize the Left. Trump has come to refer to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) by the term “China Virus,” sending many “journalists” into paroxysms of rage and disgust, claiming that referring to this virus that, in point of fact, originated in China, demonstrates that Trump is a racist. Time for a reality check. Various illnesses have traditionally been named for the locations where the diseases originated. The devastating Spanish Flu of 1918 was so-named because, it originated in Spain. In 1972, at the beginning of my career with the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), I became infected with a very serious illness that was referred to as the London Flu. I was an Immigration Inspector at JFK International Airport at the time and consequently was exposed to a variety of pathogens brought to the United States by foreign visitors. I wound up in the hospital and nearly died, my fever maxed at more than 105 degrees. Some of my colleagues were similarly sickened by this particularly virulent illness. The doctors and nurses who treated me all referred to my illness as the London Flu. I doubt that they disliked Brits or Londoners. Clearly the mainstream media and the radical Left despise the President and on a nearly daily basis demonstrate an irrational response to virtually everything he does and says. But could it be that their extreme abhorrence of the term “China Virus” has a more deep-seated origin? Perhaps it goes back to how they were educated in American colleges. When misleading terms are used, such as the term “immigrant” instead of “alien” most write this off as being Politically Correct. In reality this is nothing short of Orwellian Newspeak and it must always be described as such. Today. as we will see, many of Ameria’s premier universities are under the influence of the Chinese government and other governments that are hostile to the United States. Chinese Aggression Against the U.S.A. manifests itself in many ways, especially through widespread espionage. The Communist, totalitarian Chinese regime is extremely sensitive to the way that they are perceived around the world. They have infiltrated many universities around the United States for a number of significant purposes that include having their scientists, engineers, computer programmers and other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professionals trained in the United States, and maintaining strict control over those students when they are in the United States. Many Chinese students are coerced in spying on the United States when they secure “Optional Practical Training” by working for American companies. It has been recently alleged by the U.S. Department of Education that China and other countries have been allegedly pouring billions of dollars into American Universities that went unreported by those universities, in violation of U.S. laws. On February 12, 2020 the Department of Education (DOE) issued a press release: U.S. Department of Education Launches Investigation into Foreign Gifts Reporting at Ivy League Universities that included this subtitle: Since July, the Department has uncovered more than $6 billion in unreported foreign gifts from countries including Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The DOE press release also included these excerpts: The Department is also concerned Harvard University may lack appropriate institutional controls over foreign money and has failed to report fully all foreign gifts and contracts as required by law. This comes after Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, was indicted for lying about his involvement with the Chinese government’s Thousand Talents Plan and admitting that Harvard lacks adequate institutional controls for effective oversight and tracking of very large donations. * * * The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations described foreign spending on U.S. schools as “a black hole” because colleges and universities “routinely” fail to comply with the law, and reported foreign money can come with strings attached that might compromise academic freedom. * * * Additional Information on the Department’s Section 117 Enforcement Actions:
As the disease spread through Europe, especially Italy, the President expanded the list of countries whose nonimmigrant citizens would be barred from entering the United States to try to slow the spread of the disease. The Democrats, led by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the other “usual suspects,” attacked the President for being a racist and xenophobe. They should have used a different term, “Leader!” Now many other countries around the world have taken similar measures. Dr. Anthony Fauci lauded Trump’s important decision stating that this single act, of closing our nation’s borders, has been one of the most effective measures take by Trump to help save lives in America. For decades China has run roughshod over America. Out of extreme corporate greed, the production of our essential pharmaceuticals has been shipped to China and other countries that do not have our best interests at heart, leaving America vulnerable. China has now threatened to stop the flow of vital antibiotics to the United States and has actually accused the U.S. Army of planting the Coronavirus in China! President Trump is the first president, in decades, to stand up to this Communist dictatorship that openly boasts it plans to dominate the world. Trump’s actions have undoubtedly done much more than just ruffle some feathers in Beijing. President Trump has gone on the offensive in his strategies to protect America and Americans. Our nation has been rendered vulnerable to one of America’s most dangerous adversaries by corporations that seek cheap labor and no regulations and have moved production of vital supplies to China and other countries. To be able to do this, the corporations have pumped huge amounts of cash into the campaign coffers of politicians who need the money to win their elections. Not unlike prostitutes they will apparently do whatever it takes to satisfy their donors. As I noted, in part, in a speech I gave in Washington several years ago: The practitioners of the two oldest professions will assume any position, no matter how dangerous, ridiculous, uncomfortable or contrary to commonsense - for the right price! The time has come to finally clean out the bordellos! Share |
![]() Fake News and Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth"
Today's 'progressive' journalists perpetually reveal their true calling. Thu Apr 23, 2020 Michael Cutler President Trump is credited with coining the term “Fake News.” Fake News reports are not only irritating but have become so pervasive and impactful that it threatens our very democracy. Fake News has two elements - the use of Politically Correct language and blatant lies. Americans are among the most compassionate and considerate people in the world. Today, by turning that virtue into a vulnerability, Americans have been conditioned to use “Politically Correct” language to ostensibly be kind and compassionate. Under the guise of political correctness, Americans have permitted themselves to accept Orwellian Newspeak that alters their understanding of critical issues. Humans think with words, consequently language control results in thought control. The very term Politically Correct is Orwellian for Newspeak! I focused on this threat in my article, Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship. George Orwell understood the power of words and, in his novel 1984, devised Newspeak which exploited manipulation of language that enabled the mythical totalitarian government in his novel to maintain iron-fisted control over the masses. It was the contradictorily named “Ministry of Truth” that administered Newspeak. Orwell sagely observed: Political language -- and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. Orwell also stated: In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. The Founding Fathers understood that freedom of expression is at the foundation of our republic’s democratic form of government. Hence they made such freedom an element of the First Amendment. Totalitarian regimes, on the other hand, rigidly impose strict controls on language and on the information provided to their citizens. What information is provided is thinly disguised propaganda formulated to maintain tight control over the population. When governments are overthrown, those who stage the coup immediately seize control over the various news media and methods of communication to seize control over the masses. There was a time when news programs in the United States simply reported on the news. Obviously folks may view events through a particular prism based on their experiences and inevitable biases, but as a rule, the news reports dealt with facts. Today, however, the so-called “Mainstream Media” infuse their reports with political bias and subjectivity that turns supposed news reports into blatant political propaganda so seize power. Donald Trump panicked the political establishment, in both parties, when he decided to seek the Presidency. As the quintessential “outsider” who did not need the massive campaign contributions that are sought by other candidates, Trump would not be beholden to those who provide the money and hence control most candidates. Let’s be blunt. Campaign contributions are all too frequently bribes! Let’s not be naive. Some politicians will do whatever it takes to win. Consider the September 15, 2016 Washington Post headline, Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry. From the very beginning of his candidacy the Democrats pulled out all the stops to try to stop him. The campaign was not about different viewpoints and ideology. It was about doing whatever was necessary to derail his campaign. The entire bogus “Russian Collusion” travesty was concocted to undermine his campaign and then his administration. This elaborate hoax that cost millions of dollars, also caused the malicious prosecution of those associated with the Trump campaign / administration and diverted the attention of our political leaders from critically important issues in a particularly dangerous era. Fake News has spread like a wildfire and can be found in all sorts of areas you would never expect to see it. Let’s consider two recent articles published by the Defense One website. I have for some time subscribed to this website which focuses on matters of national security and the military. It creates the impression of being a reliable source of important information. A couple of recent articles caused me to dig into this website which, as I discovered, is published by the leftist partner organization, Atlantic Media. On April 15, 2020 Defense One published the outrageous article, Don’t Be Fooled. Trump’s Cuts to WHO Aren’t About the Coronavirus. That obvious “hit piece” began with the following excerpt: Republicans have been hating on international organizations for decades. This is just a convenient excuse to take another shot, and it harms American security. Don’t be fooled. President Trump and his supporters don’t hate the World Health Organization because of its coronavirus response. The far right hates the WHO because it is an international organization, and hating on international organizations has been a page in the Republican playbook for decades. This is just another opportunity to do it, with the added bonuses of diverting attention from the Trump administration’s slow and chaotic pandemic response and onto China, the enemy du jour. Wow! So much for objective fact-based reporting! As for reporting on the World Health Organization (WHO), on November 29, 2018 the New York Times reported in a hard-hitting article, Cuban Doctors Accuse International Agency of Profiting From Their Work. That article went on to state: PAHO, a division of the World Health Organization, made about $75 million off the work of up to 10,000 Cuban doctors who earned substandard wages in Brazil, according to the allegations in a lawsuit filed on Friday in the United States District Court in Miami. Dr. Matos and three other doctors who defected from Cuba’s contentious medical diplomacy program in Brazil accuse PAHO in the lawsuit of aiding in human trafficking. The suit is the first against an international agency over compensation from Cuba’s medical mission. Since President Trump decided to suspend funding WHO, in the wake of its complicity in covering up the China Virus Pandemic, the New York Times published a very different report on April 3, 2020 that was initially published by the Associated Press, Cuban Docs Fighting Coronavirus Around World, Defying US. What a difference a decision by President Trump makes in how “news” organizations report on an international agency linked to human trafficking! On April 16, 2020 Defense One published another report, The Owner’s Manual for Trump’s New Air Force One Cost $84 Million. This was also an obvious “hit piece.” The term “Air Force One” is the call sign used to describe any airplane on which the President of the United States is on board. (“Marine One” is used when the President is on board the Marine helicopter). Generally, the moniker “Air Force One” is associated with a pair of heavily modified Boeing 747’s. The current pair of those jumbo jets entered on service in 1991 and the new airplanes will never carry President Trump, unless his successor invites him onboard. When the new planes enter service in 2025 the old ones will be nearly 35 years old. According to the article, the $84 million manuals will contain more than 100,000 pages and provide instructions on flying, maintaining and servicing those highly complex aircraft. The price of those manuals, incidentally, was included in the overall cost of additional items that are traditionally included in the cost of such aircraft. This story was, as the saying goes, “A big nothing burger”- however, it provided the publication with the opportunity to take a cheap and larcenous shot at the President. Many years ago the Limbo was a popular dance where the participants would attempt to pass under a vertical bar that was lowered with each pass. The question was asked, “How low can you go?” Today “journalists” are doing a different sort of limbo, they dance under the bar of truth and integrity, even as the bar lies on the ground. For them there is no limit as to how low they will go to undermine the administration or our nation and our freedoms. |
![]() What's Next Aileen?
Host: Aileen Milton Founder & President of TVCM Filmed By: The Villages Conservative Media ![]()
![]() GOT ROKU ADD Freedom in America to your Roku Channel Selection Sign up and add GET ROKU To Watch The Villages Conservative Media & The Villages Tea Party on your TV After you sign in to your Roku account, it should take you to the "ADD CHANNEL" area. Failing that, sign into your Roku account and go to this page: The code is BIGVFIA01 Enter it in the space and then hit ADD CHANNEL. You might have to reboot your Roku device to get it to install. Some do, some don't. When you get it, it will be at the very bottom of your channel list. You can move it by hitting the '*' function button and move it to where you want it to be. |

Here’s a photograph of Jessie Tarbox Beals, America’s first female photojournalist, with her camera on a street a century ago. While most female photographers of her time shot photos from the peace and safety of photo studios, Beals ventured into the world of photojournalism and made a name for herself through her tenacity, self-promotion, and freelance news photos.