Invite Bill Federer to speak - large or small groups - email [email protected] or call 314-540-1172
WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage.
Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.
TELEVISION: A former U.S. Congressional Candidate, Bill has appeared on: CSPAN, FOX, Hannity & Colmes, O'Reilly Factor, NPR, MSNBC, ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, FamilyNet, FamilyLand TV, Coral Ridge Hour, 700 Club, AT&T Cable, Charter Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian Kilmeade, hosted CSPAN's George Washington Book Festival-February 26, 2000, CTN with Herman & Sharron Bailey, Grizzly Adams Television Production documentaries, and numerous local programs.
RADIO: Bill has been interviewed on thousands of radio programs, including Focus on the Family, Janet Parshall's America, Point of View, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network, Michael Medved, Common Sense Radio w/Ollie North, D. James Kennedy's Truths that Transform, Phyllis Schlafly Live, Beverly LaHaye Live, G. Gordon Liddy, Janet Folger's Faith to Action, Clear Channel Radio, VCY America, RadioAmerica, BQ, Armstrong Williams, American Family Radio, Family Life Radio, USA Radio Network, Judicial Watch,, Martha Zoller Show, Chuck Harder's For the People, Derry Brownfield, Michael Reagan and others.
Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet.
PUBLICATIONS: Bill has been quoted or referenced in USA Today, Human Events, New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Roll Call, Harper's Magazine, The Wanderer, George, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Fort Lauderdate Sun-Sentinel, Ted Baehr's MovieGuide, England's Surrey Hants Star, Insight Magazine,,,,,,,, and other publications.
BOOKS: Bill's first book "America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations" has sold over a half-million copies. His works, which have been quoted by authors, politicians, leaders, journalists, teachers, students and in court cases, include:
*AMERICAN MINUTE-Events of American Significance Remembered on the Date They Occurred
*BACKFIRED-A nation born for religious tolerance no longer tolerates religion
*CHANGE TO CHAINS-The 6000 year quest for control- Volume 1: Rise of the Republic
*ENDANGERED SPEECHES-How the ACLU, IRS & LBJ Threaten Extinction of Free Speech
*GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER-His Life & Faith In His Own Words
*ISLAMIC CONQUEST-PAST & PRESENT-A captivating 5-part DVD series on Political Islam's 1400 year War with the West
*PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past
*SAINT PATRICK-The Real Story of His Amazing Life from Tragedy to Triumph
*THE FAITH OF FDR –From Franklin D. Roosevelt's Public Papers 1933-1945
*THE ORIGINAL 13-A Documentary History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States
*THE TEN COMMANDMENTS & their Influence on American Law
*THERE REALLY IS A SANTA CLAUS-History of Saint Nicholas & Christmas Holiday Traditions
*THREE SECULAR REASONS Why America Should be Under God
American Minute with Bill Federer
NOV 21 - Pilgrim ship captured by Muslim Barbary Pirates! On NOVEMBER 21, 1620 (NS), the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact and began their Plymouth Colony. Five years later, in 1625, the Pilgrims filled two ships with dried fish and beaver skins and sent them back to England to trade for much needed supplies. Governor William Bradford wrote in his History of the Plymouth Settlement 1608-1650 (rendered in Modern English by Harold Paget, 1909, ch. 6, p. 165-7): "The adventurers...sent over two fishing ships...The pinnace was ordered to load with bring home to England...and besides she had some 800 lbs. of beaver, as well as other furs, to a good value from the plantation. The captain seeing so much lading wished to put aboard the bigger ship for greater safety, but Mr. Edward Winslow, their agent in the business, was bound in a bond to send it to London in the small ship... The captain of the big ship...towed the small ship at his stern all the way over. So they went joyfully home together and had such fine weather that he never cast her off till they were well within the England channel, almost in sight of Plymouth. But even there she was unhapply taken by a Turkish man-of-war and carried off to Saller (Morocco), where the captain and crew were made slaves... Thus all their hopes were dashed and the joyful news they meant to carry home was turned to heavy tidings... In the big ship Captain Myles Standish...arrived at a very bad time...a plague very deadly in London... The friendly adventurers were so reduced by their losses last year, and now by the ship taken by the Turks...that all trade was dead." Muslim piracy had dominated the seas. In 1605, St. Vincent de Paul was sailing from Marseille, France, when he was captured by Muslim Turks and sold into slavery in Tunis, North Africa. Fortunately for him, he converted his owner to Christianity in 1607, and escaped to Europe where he started an order to help the poor. Between 1606-1609, Muslim pirates from Algiers captured 466 British and Scottish ships. Giles Milton wrote inWhite Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves (UK: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 2004), that in 1625, Muslim corsair pirates sailed up the Thames River and raided England. They attacked the coast of Cornwall, captured 60 villagers at Mount's Bay and 80 at Looe. Muslims took Lundy Island in Bristol Channel and raised the standard of Islam. By the end of 1625, over 1,000 English subjects were sent to the slave markets of Sale, Morocco. America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations In 1627, Algerian and Ottoman Muslim pirates, led by Murat Reis the Younger, raided Iceland, carrying into slavery an estimated 400 from the cities of Reykjavik, Austurland and Vestmannaeyjar. One captured girl, who had been made a slave concubine in Algeria, was rescued back by King Christian IV of Denmark. In 1631, the entire village of Baltimore, Ireland, was captured by Muslim pirates, led by Murat Reis the Younger. Only two ever returned. (Des Ekin, The Stolen Village: Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates, O'Brien Press, 2006). Thomas Osborne Davis wrote in his poem, "The Sack of Baltimore" (1895): "The yell of 'Allah!' breaks above the shriek and roar; O'blessed God! the Algerine is lord of Baltimore..." By 1640, hundreds of English ships and over 1,500 British subjects were enslaved in Tunis and in 3,000 Algiers. Get the book, What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an-A History of Islam & the United States As centuries passed, the U.S. Navy and Marines fought the Muslim Barbary pirates, and, on September 11, 2012, the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by Muslim terrorists. With questions still lingering as to the government's knowledge and involvement in attacks, Americans gain new appreciation for the brave Pilgrim forbears who faced a similar threats. American Minute archives |
American Minute with Bill Federer
"Bloody butchery of men, women, and children, made martyrs to their profession of Christian faith..." -President Grover Cleveland Democrat President Grover Cleveland condemned Islamic terrorism committed against Armenian Christians in Turkey, December 2, 1895: "Massacres of Christians in Armenia and the development there...of a spirit of fanatic hostility to Christian influences naturally excited apprehension... European powers...have assumed a agents of the Christian enforce such conduct of Turkish government as will refrain fanatical have shocked civilization." President Grover Cleveland wrote December 7, 1896: "Mad bigotry and cruel fanaticism...wanton destruction of homes and the bloody butchery of men, women, and children, made martyrs to their profession of Christian faith... Our citizens in the midst of dreadful scenes of danger, their by no means assured..." What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an-A History of Islam and the United States President Grover Cleveland continued: "The outbreaks of blind fury which lead to murder and pillage in Turkey occur suddenly and without notice... I do not believe that the present somber prospect in Turkey will be long permitted to offend the sight of Christendom... It seems hardly possible that the earnest demand of good people throughout the Christian world for its corrective treatment will remain unanswered." President Cleveland defended traditional marriage, December 8, 1885: "The strength, the perpetuity, and the destiny of the nation rest upon our homes, established by the law of God, guarded by parental care, regulated by parental authority, and sanctified by parental love. These are not the homes of polygamy. The mothers of our land, who rule the nation as they mold the characters and guide the actions of their sons, live according to God's holy ordinances, and each, secure and happy in the exclusive love of the father of her children, sheds the warm light of true womanhood, unperverted and unpolluted, upon all within her pure and wholesome family circle. These are not the cheerless, crushed, and unwomanly mothers of polygamy." President Cleveland insisted on gold-backed currency and pushed to lower taxes. In 1887, President Cleveland vetoed the Texas Seed Bill, stating: "I do not believe that the power...of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering... A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this steadfastly resisted... Though the people support the government, the government should not support the people. Charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow-citizens in misfortune. This has been repeatedly... demonstrated." President Cleveland continued: "Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character, while it prevents...among our people of that kindly sentiment...which strengthens the bonds of a common brotherhood." Prayers and Presidents-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past The son of a Presbyterian minister, President Grover Cleveland proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer on OCTOBER 25, 1887: "The goodness and the mercy of God, which have followed the American people during all the days of the past year, claim their grateful recognition and humble acknowledgment... by His omnipotent power He has protected us from war and pestilence and from every national calamity; by His gracious favor the earth has yielded a generous return... by His loving kindness the hearts of our people have been replenished...and by His unerring guidance we have been directed in the way of national prosperity." President Grover Cleveland added: "To the end that we may with one accord testify our gratitude for all these blessings, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart...a day of thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by all the people of the land. On that day let all secular work and employment be suspended, and let our people assemble in their accustomed places of worship and with prayer and songs of praise give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all that He has done for us, while we humbly implore the forgiveness of our sins and a continuance of His mercy." Watch past FAITH IN HISTORY episodes for FREE News from AmericanMinute.comInvite Bill Federer to speak - large or small groups - email [email protected] or call 314-540-1172 |